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Alex & Alex are inseparable eggthieves. Carmouflaged as Jetusch Aliti, they rob the nests and hatch the eggs themselves. Sometimes they also hatch out great projects, that make a whole big city flip out. 105 cm x 54 cm


Lehel is a Wolperdinger of the first breed. He lives in the underground as a proud greatfather. His crystal eyes see everything. Don´t forget to let his shaddow dance.
120 cm x 80 cm

1979 Bábolna stranded in Bilbao after a monsterwave destroyed his little boat. He never wanted to turn, that´s why the wind let his horns grow in only one direction. Bábolna only can go forward - never ever back into the garden where he comes from.
84cm x 33 cm


PW Grimaldi is an insecticider. He searches for the most remote regions to kill extraordinary insects. He decorates himself with his victims carried as mummys. Grimaldi is an odd layer of the royal family of Monaco.
110 cm x 38 cm

Bonél is the most beautiful of her species. She dives deeper then her friends. Bonél never loses her elegance, but sometimes overshoots the mark.
100 cm x 84 cm

Otis is a pilldealer from Strakonice, CZ. Everything he sells, makes you happy. Known as a dandy, he lives a life in high spirits, that already gave him several descendants. He has a cronic cold from sniffing and freezing a lot, but his girlfriend from Seiseralm spoils him from time to time. 160cm x 75cm

Zilfira comes from the High Tatra and has a undercooled charakter. She is tough and very efficient in business - leads a publishing house of stolen copyrights. Zilfira belongs to the clan of Tricksters (mythological creatures with conflicting charakter. The Trickster is cunning, mischievous, creative but also destructive and deceitful). 75 cm x 50 cm

Salem is a Sheriff, dancing and always on the road with his racecar. His dancesteps are simply thrilling and he animates bunches of people to shake their bodys. Salem always has music in his head. Channel 5³ brings him up to heaven. His discoboots are totally rocked down. 88 cm x 75 cm

Heinz Brillof is extremely shortsighted. The white stripes on the streets are his nutrition - he licks them. May be the constant noise is the reason for his chronic external ear inflammation.
160 cm x 68 cm



Nese is a female sheriff on foot and on horse. Her eyes see everything, but she only interferes with her telepathic power. Number 7 is very important in her life. Nese has a very spontanious soul.
110 cm x 85 cm

Wonk has an answer to all questions that are speared on his fork. He cries them out loud so that everybody can hear them. His tap is a spring of peace - don´t dare to smoke his last cigarette!



  Agusta MV jets around the globe. Once he pretends to be Umberto Masetti, the guardian angle, but also known as the worlds famous stamp dealer. Worldfamous for his charity stamp "save the odd birds". He lost his careset, speeding on the autobahn. Since then, he looks a little bit run-down. Agusta MV doesn´t listen to other people. He cannot anyway because he can´t hear through his armourcap. His scarfs he collected on the exploration of the world. MV stands for "my father".112 cm x 50 cm

Marquis is a very famous radiator mascot from Detroit. He traveled far away with ALMA AEN - New York - Mexico City - L.A. 1989. With his nose in the wind the landscape overtakes him high speeded in striped shape.
67 cm x 37 cm



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